Accomplished Family Law Attorneys In Chicago

Complex Financial Matters in Divorce

The complexity of a divorce intensifies when there are substantial assets involved. Financial concerns, coupled with the emotional stressors of separation, can make these divorce proceedings particularly difficult to resolve. When dealing with a divorce that involves complex financial matters, including high-value assets and/or child custody issues, it is critical that you consult an experienced lawyer who can ensure that you obtain the best outcome.

The attorneys at Caesar & Bender, LLP have a deep understanding of complex financial matters and can help guide you through this difficult process. They have successfully resolved hundreds of Chicago divorce and family law cases.

Division Of Marital Property In Illinois

Under Illinois law, property acquired during a marriage is considered marital property and upon divorce, should be distributed “equitably” among the two parties. Instead of equally dividing marital property, “equitable” distribution requires marital assets to be divided in a way that is reasonable and fair and considers the specific circumstances of each case. This means there is no steadfast rule for determining what is “equitable,” and every situation must be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Determining an “equitable distribution” can become much more complex when high-value or unusual assets are involved. Common complex financial matters may include:

  • Substantial assets (including large marital estates and high-value personal belongings)
  • Retirement assets
  • Professional practices and family-owned businesses
  • Stock options
  • Executive compensation
  • Tax implications

Because these matters can arise in a dissolution proceeding that already involves highly sensitive issues, such as child custody and parenting rights, it is important to seek out an experienced divorce attorney who understands complex financial matters.

Financial Investigation Is Key

At Caesar & Bender, LLP, we understand the necessary investigation that must be conducted to ensure all assets are uncovered and valued. We are well equipped at resolving complex financial matters including, but not limited to, analysis and division of large estates. Most importantly, we ensure that your rights and interests are protected and help you take the necessary steps to reach the best outcome for you and your family.

Consult An Experienced Attorney

If you are considering a divorce or legal separation and have concerns regarding your financial well-being, contact us today. Call our Chicago office at 312-815-6141 or send an email to schedule a free initial consultation.